Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Worst. President. Ever.

Seems like the wingnuts always want to point out what a lousy president Bill Clinton was.

Clinton: Job Ratings

Bush: 34%

Time to start scraping the "W" stickers off your SUV's.


Monday, February 27, 2006



Bush continues to tank in the polls:
The latest CBS News poll finds President Bush's approval rating has fallen to an all-time low of 34 percent, while pessimism about the Iraq war has risen to a new high.

Ouch. 34% approval. That's a frighteningly low number for Bush, but it's even more frightening that 1/3 of those polled still support this failed presidency. Are those people NUTS?

At least Cheney's 18% approval rating is easier to explain--that 18% is comprised of family, rich oil buddies, and Halliburton employees.

CBS News | Poll: Bush Ratings At All-Time Low | February 27, 2006 22:05:25

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