Friday, July 11, 2008


McCain versus McCain

McCain may be "McSame" as Bush, but he's not McSame when it comes to his own varied and constantly-changing stances on domestic and foreign policies. Hilariously, while the media tries its best to construct a narrative of Obama as flip-flopper, McCain has reversed himself on no fewer than 61 (and counting!) positions (detailed in the link below), including rejecting his own legislation on campaign finance and lobbying reform (oops--don't mind all those lobbyists he hired to run his campaign!). Worst of all, he has reversed his principled position against the use of torture, which is pretty sickening given that he himself was a prisoner of war. If he'll change his perspective on his own legislation and reject what his own experience should tell him is right and moral, what won't he do to bend (over) and shift with the political winds?

Jack Cafferty of CNN notes that McCain's attempt to maintain his "maverick" independent stance while also appealing to the Repulican base is "a delicate dance. And if McCain’s not careful, ‘he’s liable to break a hip.’ Of course, any doctor will tell you a broken hip can be very difficult to recover from.”

I'm sure the corporate-owned media, which will only continue to profit from the corporate whoring of a Republican administration, is only to happy to assist in McCain's recovery.

It%u2019s a delicate dance, and John McCain is %u2018liable to break a hip%u2019 - The Carpetbagger Report

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