Thursday, March 29, 2007


Pelosi Gives Bush a "Time-Out"

Nancy Pelosi had a great response to Bush's petulant, tantrum-throwing threats of a veto if the Democrats do the will of the American people and pass a timetable for withdrawal of troops in Iraq in the latest funding bill:

"On this very important matter, I would extend a hand of friendship to the president, just say to him, 'Calm down with the threats, there's a new Congress in town. We respect your constitutional role. We want you to respect ours.' This war must end. The American people have lost faith in the president's conduct of the war. Let's see how we can work together."

Bush responded by throwing himself on the floor, kicking and screaming.

The Crypt's Blog -

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Yellow Dog Update: The Crap is Piling Up

As the crap is piling up with one Bush administration scandal after another, even conservative commentators are piling on. Here's Robert Novak, who's usually a Bush apologist:

"The I-word (incompetence) is also used by Republicans in describing the Bush administration generally. Several of them I talked to cited a trifecta of incompetence: the Walter Reed hospital scandal, the FBI's misuse of the USA Patriot Act and the U.S. attorneys firing fiasco. "We always have claimed that we were the party of better management," one House leader told me. "How can we claim that anymore?"

Novak started a list of Bush incompetence, but it's incomplete:
1) Walter Reed hospital scandal
2) FBI's misuse of the USA Patriot Act
3) US attorneys firing for political reasons
4) War in Iraq (the "Surge," aka "Stay and Die")
5) Deception about WMD & distorted evidence
6) Rewriting the report on global warming; screwed or suppressed scientific research and policies
7) Outing the name of an undercover CIA operative
8) Botching the Katrina disaster aftermath and recovery/reconstruction
9) Abu Ghraib: approving of illegal torture methods
10) Dismissing habeas corpus
11) Holding prisoners at Guantanomo without a trial
12) Increase in terrorisim since war in Iraq (seven-fold)
13) Increased violence in Afghanistan
14) Inability to catch Osama bin Laden
15) Halliburton's no-bid contracts
16) Cheney's secret energy plan and meetings with Big Oil
17) Surging costs of the Iraq War
18) Mounting fiscal deficits and tax relief for the wealthy only
19) Abramoff and Indian gaming scandal
20) Illegal wiretapping
21) GOP illegal "phonejamming" in election
22) Medicare money scandal
23) Replacing health policy on HHS website with abstinence info

Okay, that's enough crap for one day (or one administration), and there's lots of scooping to do. Remember when we used to impeach presidents for a marital indiscretion?

Robert D. Novak - A President All Alone -

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