Monday, October 18, 2004
Bubba's List
South Knox Bubba compiled a remarkably comprehensive look at Bush's record. It's shocking really. It ought to be REALLY shocking to people who call themselves Republicans.
Looking at Bush's record, I'd be embarrassed to admit it if I voted for the guy the first time, although--with the comfortable cushion of peace and prosperity after eight years of Clinton--I can almost see how people might have thought, "Gee, what's the worst that can happen?"
Well, now we all know what can happen. Bush is a total failure by every possible standard, especially by those measures dear and true to conservatives: no fiscal responsibility, bigger not smaller goverment, less privacy, no economic stability, botched national security, more dependence on foreign energy, etc.
Foreign policy blunders aside, in our consumer driven economy, this is stuff that ought to scare the daylights out of conservatives:
--Bigger government/non-defense discretionary spending up 34% in four years
--More entitlements
--DJIA down 6%, S&P 500 down 17%, NASDAQ down 31% since 2001
--Record high consumer debt
--All time high bankruptcies
--Net loss of jobs
--More people living in poverty
--Record trade deficit
--40% increase in health insurance premiums
--45 Million people without health care. Up 5 million
--Turned $387 Billion annual surplus into a $2 Trillion dollar projected deficit-- $413 Billion this year!
These are facts. So, why are 49% of voters still supporting Bush? I'll tell you why. Because a win this November will prove to Bush supporters that facts don't matter. Bush is a GOOD president who earned a second term, and their vote for Bush in 2000 was not the stupidest vote ever. And that will be true, because a vote for Bush in 2004 would become the stupidest vote ever.
There's a saying in Tennessee... fool me once...
South Knox Bubba