Monday, November 01, 2004
The Dog Days of Campaign 2004
With one day left until the election, we are in the dog days of the campaign, and the heat is on. It's time for Yellow Dogs to unite and bring an end the Bush regime's reign of terror.
With 9 more US soldiers killed in Iraq over the weekend, an American kidnapped in Iraq today, a news story (NBC) estimating missing prewar stockpiles that may total 250,000 tons, an expose (CBS) on soldiers' lack of armor, radios, and bullets, and an ongoing FBI probe into sleazy Halliburton no-bid contracts in Iraq and Cheney's shameless war profiteering, the news just keeps getting worse and worse.
It's time for change.
John F. Kerry: "This is the moment of accountability for America.... All of the hopes and dreams of our country are on the line. The choice is clear."
In an interview today, Kerry said voters should reject Republican charges that he's not tough enough to take charge, and he recalled his own Vietnam experience. "When I turned my boat in Vietnam into an ambush and I went straight into the ambush and overran it, I didn't see George Bush or Dick Cheney at my side," Kerry said. "So I'm not going to take a second seat to anybody in my willingness to be tough to defend the United States of America. I did it when it mattered, and as president I will defend the United States of America with everything I have."
As Americans are being ambushed by Bush and his failed policies, it's time for us to turn our boats into the ambush and overrun it.
Take back America--Vote Kerry. | Providence, R.I. | AP Headlines
With 9 more US soldiers killed in Iraq over the weekend, an American kidnapped in Iraq today, a news story (NBC) estimating missing prewar stockpiles that may total 250,000 tons, an expose (CBS) on soldiers' lack of armor, radios, and bullets, and an ongoing FBI probe into sleazy Halliburton no-bid contracts in Iraq and Cheney's shameless war profiteering, the news just keeps getting worse and worse.
It's time for change.
John F. Kerry: "This is the moment of accountability for America.... All of the hopes and dreams of our country are on the line. The choice is clear."
In an interview today, Kerry said voters should reject Republican charges that he's not tough enough to take charge, and he recalled his own Vietnam experience. "When I turned my boat in Vietnam into an ambush and I went straight into the ambush and overran it, I didn't see George Bush or Dick Cheney at my side," Kerry said. "So I'm not going to take a second seat to anybody in my willingness to be tough to defend the United States of America. I did it when it mattered, and as president I will defend the United States of America with everything I have."
As Americans are being ambushed by Bush and his failed policies, it's time for us to turn our boats into the ambush and overrun it.
Take back America--Vote Kerry. | Providence, R.I. | AP Headlines