Friday, November 12, 2004


Sick as a Dog

If you happen to get sick, don't expect any help from the so-called "compassionate conservatives" running our country (into the ground). Not only has the Bush administration cut workers' overtime pay and refused to raise the minimum wage, but now the Dept. of Labor is reporting a huge reduction in the number of paid sick days for employees. How ironic that this comes at the same time the incompetent Bush admin. oversaw a shortage of the flu vaccine.

According to the article in USA Today,
"Some employees say they feel pressured not to take time off.

Tanya Frazier says she was fired from her job as an executive assistant after taking time off to care for her 9-year-old daughter, who had the flu. She says she had used all the nine sick days allowed by her employer.

"My boss said, 'You're too dedicated a mother and not dedicated to your job,' " says Frazier, 39, a single mother in Topanga, Calif., who now is a temp."

So much for the "family values" that Repugs are always touting.

Yahoo! News - Sick days dwindle, disappear for many

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