Sunday, November 14, 2004


Sunday School Lesson

"Democrats took to heart their Sunday school lessons that they were supposed to feed the hungry, clothe the naked and assuage the pain of those less fortunate with universal health care. Democrats believe it is immoral to give enormous tax cuts to today's wealthiest Americans, producing astronomical deficits for future generations to pay.

Democrats even consider protecting God's natural environment to be a moral issue. And, unless directly threatened, they would rather not send young Americans into war to kill other people and to be killed. They are pro-life that way.

None of those were the moral values voters seemed to have in mind when they went to the polls to re-elect George Bush. Republican moral values, ironically, are the direct opposite of Christian charity and tolerance toward others. It's a more aggressive form of morality that doesn't get bogged down with a lot of neighbor-loving.

That's why Democrats will never be able to compromise their own moral principles enough to go after the moral values crowd that voted for Bush."

AMEN. This columnist hits the nail on the head. I would much rather fight for the vision of morality that is true and right rather than the Republican brand of intolerance masquerading as morality.

The Capital Times

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