Tuesday, January 11, 2005


Nature: A Real Moral Value

This article by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is a breath of fresh air, which is what we need amidst Bush's dangerous environmental policies, which stink. In fact, in another AP newsstory today, it was reported that the debate about perchlorate contamination in drinking water is getting more heated as environmentalists object to a report claiming the widespread toxin is far less dangerous than was thought; this report downplaying the amount of toxins in our drinking water was heavily influenced by the Bush administration. Clean drinking water--who needs it? And to think that RFK could have been Kerry's pick as head of the EPA. We all lost there, and not just Democrats, but pretty much anyone who drinks water and wants it to be free of poisonous toxins. Thanks again, Bush voters!

Here's RFK:
"All indications are that Bush's second term will proceed as the first with respect to energy, the environment and efforts to auction off our natural landscapes at fire-sale prices. And they won't wait for Inauguration Day to continue rewarding corporate polluters with special exemptions, rule changes and loosened laws.

As the nation moves forward in tackling our environmental challenges – and we must – it's important to remember that all faiths teach us to protect our environment. In that sense, we can consider safeguarding the water we drink, the air we breathe, the wildlife and wild places we cherish, and the natural heritage owed to our children as the most important of the moral values that reportedly weighed heavily in this year's presidential race."

Bush's record so far on the environment can only be considered immoral.

AlterNet: EnviroHealth: Nature: A Real Moral Value

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