Sunday, May 08, 2005


The American Taliban

This story is pretty unbelievable; yet, with the current climate of radical right Christians inserting themselves into politics and trying to turn our democracy into a theocracy, it's not surprising:

"A Baptist minister expelled nine members of his North Carolina church because they failed to vote the way he told them to in the last presidential election.

Members of the congregation said Chandler told them during last year’s presidential campaign that anyone who planned to vote for Democratic nominee John Kerry needed to leave the church.

Longtime member Selma Morris, who was treasurer at the church, said Chandler’s sermons remained political after Bush won re-election. This past week, his comments turned to politics again at a church gathering that ended with nine members voted out."

A pastor establishing a litmus test for who is allowed to worship in a church? Maybe he needs to ask himself, "What Would Jesus Do?"

Democrats voted out of N.C. church - Politics -

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