Saturday, June 04, 2005


At War With Reality

From delusional Cheney-world:

In a recent interview, Cheney proclaimed that we are in "the last throes" of the insurgency in Iraq.

The reality:

From the AP: "The overall U.S. death toll in Iraq last month — counting active-duty as well as mobilized reserve forces — was 80. That is the highest for any month since January, when 107 died as insurgent attacks rose sharply prior to the Iraqi election. Fifty-two died in April and 36 in March, when it appeared the insurgency was waning."

Looks like Cheney is guilty of what Bush would call "disassembling" (and Bush's misstaken use of this word has a strange sort of logic since Cheney is "taking apart" the truth, piece by piece). Note to Bush: next time you want to try out a new vocabulary word you learned, just hold up a picture of Cheney, who is the biggest "dissembler" of our time (that means LIAR).

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