Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Breeding Ground for Terrorism

Maybe Bush is right: there is "progress" in Iraq--if your idea of progress is creating "an even more effective training ground for Islamic extremists than Afghanistan was in Al Qaeda's early days."

According to a new classified report by the CIA, the war in Iraq has produced "a dangerous legacy by dispersing to other countries Iraqi and foreign combatants more adept and better organized than they were before the conflict."

Congratulations, George, for using the "war on terror" to create a new breeding ground for terrorism by creating the exact conditions that led to the rise of Al Qaeda in the 1980's and 90's. To the Fox News-impaired, W's creation of a greater terrorist threat by launching an unnecessary war based on lies can only mean one thing: we're winning the war on terror!!! Dumb asses.

We should all be terrified as we wait for a better trained Osama bin Laden, cultivated by the hatred around the world that our dear leader has helped to breed.

Iraq May Be Prime Place for Training of Militants, C.I.A. Report Concludes - New York Times

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