Sunday, June 26, 2005


Yellow Dogs Fight Back

Several liberals in the military have written letters expressing their outrage at Presidential Advisor, KKKarl Rove's recent statements: "Conservatives saw the savagery of 9/11 in the attacks and prepared for war; liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers."

There's so much BS in this statement that it's hard to know where to begin, but let's start with some facts: Not one Democratic senator voted against the resolution for the war in Afghanistan. The war in Iraq, of course, had nothing to do with 9/11 but was still widely supported by Democrats (misguided though they were to trust the President's lies).

An AP story out today reports that the US is in secret talks with leaders of the Iraq insurgency. Hmmm, sounds a little bit like that "therapy" that Rove was blaming on liberals.

But the best response to KKKarl's ridiculous claims come from the soldiers themselves:
"I'm writing you from [Location Withheld] Iraq, about 35 miles NW of Baghdad.. And I'm too tired to give Karl the verbal beating he deserves for his insults. I'm too tired because we're just a bit shorthanded over here, fighting his war for him. A war that has made nearly every country in the world fear and distrust America, a war fought for a knowing lie dreamed up by Karl and his buddies, none of whom have ever heard a shot fired in anger, or helped pick up the parts of another human being after an IED blast.

I enlisted after the war began and after I'd gotten my degree. I could easily have stayed home and watched the war on TV, as Karl does. I do not support this war in the slightest, but I will not sit at home and lecture others on their insufficient patriotism when the nation is in need. I joined because I believe in giving back some measure of service and devotion to my country.

To hear a man like Karl insinuate that only conservatives are really patriotic is a knife in the back to every man and woman in Iraq who serves here. At least a third of us voted against Bush and pals. The number increases every day that we stay here, forced to make bricks without straw for months on end.

Never insult me and my fellow liberals again, Karl. Watching a fat, hateful thing like you that has never faced any greater danger in your life than a long golf shot denigrate every liberal who has put on a uniform is more demoralizing than ten thousand speeches that uphold America's highest ideals from Sen. Biden or Byrd."

Take it to Karl

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