Saturday, August 20, 2005
Misplaced Priorities
The other "Yellow Dog Blog" reminds us that Bush, while not able to find a few minutes during his 5-week vacation to meet with a grieving mother of a soldier killed in Iraq, was able to find time last spring to interrupt his vacation to interfere in the Terry Schiavo case. That was the case where the government tried to interfere in a private family matter by forcing doctors to restore Terry's feeding tube. Bush had no problem leaving Crawford to return to Washington to sign this bogus legislation of unprecedented government interference with private family matters.
For Bush, it's all about political expedience (in this case, appeasing the rabid religious right) and not _ever_ about doing the right thing.
For Bush, it's all about political expedience (in this case, appeasing the rabid religious right) and not _ever_ about doing the right thing.