Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Katrina Spin

It appears that the Dept. of Homeland Security has discontinued posting "preparedness tips of the day" on its website in order to make room for self-congratulatory press releases which list the highlights of FEMA's response. There are Highlights!
Stop focusing on the dead poor people, Media!

Highlights of United States Government Response to the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
September 4, 2005
Contact: 202-282-8010

The federal effort to save lives, sustain life, and support recovery and law enforcement operations in areas affected by Hurricane Katrina continues around the clock. The following facts highlight some of the important activities as of 4 p.m.:  

Lives Saved 17,000
Citizens Evacuated 35,000
Shelters 499
People housed in shelters 135,000
National Guard personnel 35,000
U.S. Coast Guard personnel 4,000
FEMA responders 5,000
MREs provided (meals) 4.8 million
Water provided (liters) 11 million

I'd like to add:

Incompetent Bush-Crony Appointees Named "Michael" who should be FIRED: 2

Michael Brown and Michael Chertoff

By the way, the preparedness tips have been ongoing at a special website coordinated by the Red Cross and Dept. of Homeland Security, ironically named www.ready.gov

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