Monday, January 30, 2006


Compassionate Conservatism at Work

The Bush Administrations has lots of compassion, if you are a rich CEO or corporation that can give them a big donation. But if you are poor or elderly, a struggling college student or a child, they have no use for you.
From the New York Times:
"Millions of low-income people would have to pay more for health care under a bill worked out by Congress, and some of them would forgo care or drop out of Medicaid because of the higher co-payments and premiums, the Congressional Budget Office says in a new report.

In response to the new premiums, some beneficiaries would not apply for Medicaid, would leave the program or would become ineligible due to nonpayment," the Congressional Budget Office said in its report, completed Friday night. "C.B.O. estimates that about 45,000 enrollees would lose coverage in fiscal year 2010 and that 65,000 would lose coverage in fiscal year 2015 because of the imposition of premiums. About 60 percent of those losing coverage would be children."

I guess it's not enough that the prescription drug program for Medicare is already a disaster, kicking sick elderly people out of the system, forcing them to pay more out of pocket, and helping only the big drug companies, who are making a fortune off other people's misfortune. And now we have a new bill under which 60% of children would lose coverage? That's just sick.
Budget to Hurt Poor People on Medicaid, Report Says - New York Times

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