Monday, January 30, 2006
Dear Dr. Kitty Killer
I wrote a couple letters to Tennessee's senators today, including Dr. Frist (who liked to adopt cats from animal shelters and kill them for medical experiments when he was a med student.) Not that it will do any good, but I think it's good to remind Frist once in a while that he's a creepy slimeball.
Senator Frist:
Recently you diagnosed Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito as the Democrats' "worst nightmare." I found it surprising you are supporting a nominee who is a "nightmare" for over 60 million Americans, including me and a million other Tennesseans, who are registered Democrats; but, I am thankful that you seem to understand why senate Democrats have legitimate justification to filibuster Alito's confirmation vote and to try to prevent the "worst nightmare" prognosis from becoming a terminal reality.
Should you achieve cloture on debate today, I urge you to reconsider your support for the "nightmare" nominee, and vote tomorrow to NOT confirm Alito. Use your senate leadership position to advise President Bush to nominate a reasonable Supreme Court justice who represents all of America, not just the radical right wing of the Republican party.
Stick Thrower
In other news, a Senator from Massachusetts stood up on the senate floor today, got fired up, and explained why this Alito nomination matters.