Thursday, September 04, 2008


10% Change?

I'm listening to the last of the RNC speeches, and I'm still waiting to hear about some substantive policy ideas--particularly ideas that vary from the failed policies of the last 8 years. So you like wars and recessions? McCain-Palin promises more of the same!

First there was Rudy Guliani's speech, in which he led the crowd in a rousing speech (no kidding) of "Drill, Baby, Drill!" Surreal. (And sick.)

Then there was Palin's speech, which was just red meat for the conservative base, forsaking ideas for sarcastic one-liners and sophomoric attacks on Obama. Then again, she doesn't have much substance to run on, so they had to fill the speech with something, and we all now how well Republicans do hate and vitriol. Yes they can!

McCain is speaking now and, in the midst of a lot of cliches, is promising "change" in Washington. Um, John, you do realize that the Republicans have been in charge for the last 8 years, right? And I think you've been in Washington over 30 years, haven't you? The only "change" I can detect is that McCain shifted from a "maverick" who sometimes stood on principle instead of partisan politics to a politician who totally sold out and embraced all of Bush's policies, even policies (such as defending torture) that are beneath a POW (who should know better). From a guy who voted with Bush 90% of the time, I'm not sure 10% change is enough of the change this country needs.

Are Republicans really buying this?

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